Together with HRBC and BIG DATA, LOGA3 forms a complex HR system that effectively improves the entire human resource management process, allowing HR to contribute to the development of the company’s values as a strategic area. BIGDATA provides for the processing of large quantities of constantly changing data. It supports real-time assessment and controlling.

It controls, monitors, and optimises

HRBC is the infrastructure for organising smart product applications into a network and is a tool for optimising use. HRBC is a software in the cloud that is capable of monitoring, controlling, and optimising the functions of various applications from BIG DATA’s stock of more than 15,000 customer configurations

Middleware for data storage

Digital solutions form an essential part of modern HR management. They are the basis for effective and targeted HR management. The modules we offer assist in reviewing available capacities and in using those as required. We provide solutions that help you identify and promote the talent in your company and to acquire new talent.

Köztes szoftver az adattároláshoz

A digitális alkalmazások a modern HR menedzsment nélkülözhetetlen részét képezik, és alapjai a hatékony és célzott HR menedzsmentnek. Moduljaink segítenek a meglévő kapacitások áttekintésében és igény szerinti felhasználásában. Olyan megoldásokat kínálunk Önnek is, amelyek segítségével azonosíthatja és elősegítheti vállalkozásában meglévő tehetségeket, és újakat nyerhet.

Data modelling

The module automatically recognises the related tables, meaning large amounts of data can be analysed without familiarity with the data model. As there is no limit to the number of linked tables, any number of tables can be linked and analysed together. Individual data records can also be activated, in which case P&I Datamining automatically shows whether the tables connected to the data record contain data, and the number of such data records.

Unique masks

P&I LOGA offers a versatile solution for the analysis and evaluation of the data in the interest of making HR tasks as simple as possible.

HR management can be tailored to current needs. Data are always analysed in real time and are available both graphically and in tabular form.

Egyéni maszkok

A P&I LOGA széles körű megoldást kínál az adatok elemzésére és értékelésére annak érdekében, hogy a HR feladatai a lehető legegyszerűbbek és egyszerűbbek legyenek.

A HR menedzsment alkalmazkodása az aktuális igényekhez. Az adatelemzést mindig valós időben végzik el, és a grafikus megjelenítés mellett táblázatos lista formájában is elérhető.

Smart Thingies

The LOGA product philosophy primarily focuses on connectivity and smart solutions. The LOGA HR technology enables users to use functions that perform their tasks in an intuitive and smart manner. These functions are called “SMART THINGIES”.

SMART THINGIES are available in various versions and are context-specific depending on the areas where the task can be performed using the “drag and drop” method. They are available in all of the LOGA HR system elements: LOGA HRBC, BIG DATA, and LOGA3.